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Rabbi Naphtali Buchwald became our Assistant Rabbi in July 2016. Prior to that he served as the Rabbinnic Intern under Rabbi Wender, as well as serving as a member of the Kollel of Houston. In that capacity, he worked diligently to spread Torah in Houston through giving shiurim and learning one-on-one with the members of the community. 

Rabbi Buchwald grew up in Manhattan, New York, the son of Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald from the Lincoln Square Synagogue and Director of NJOP. Rabbi Buchwald studied in Yeshivas Toras Moshe in Israel and in Lakewood's Beth Medrash Gevoha.

Rabbi Buchwald teaches many shiurim at Young Israel of Houston, on a wide variety of topics, engaging all age groups. These include: Mesilas Yesharim for women, contemporary halachic topics, and a shiur for Bar Mitzvah age boys. In addition, he provides leadership and pastoral guidance for our congregants. He is also a member of the Judaic studies faculty at TGA high school for girls.

Rabbi Buchwald and his wife, Rebbitzin Shira Buchwald, have five children—Yehoshua, Michal, Aryeh, Chani and Tehila.

Fri, February 7 2025 9 Shevat 5785